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Document Description
One page summary( PDF) Overview of program & deliverables, 8/16/07
Curriculum outline (PDF) describes 5 major functions, and outcomes 5/03/07
Executive summary (PDF) Overview of the project 08/16/07
Learning process and discussion (PDF) General discussion and about why skillful thinking are
the tools of engineering. 5/21/07
Developing more curious Minds (PDF) The whole art of teaching is only the art of awaking the
natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose
of satisfying it afterwards  … Anatole Frances  5/21/07
Learning to Think table (PDF) Shows the similarities of content processes such
as critical thinking, science, engineering and mathematics.
Higher_order_thinkingskills (PDF) Higher order thinking skills related to the engineering design process
Questions_table (PDF) Table showing the engineering design process and associated questions.
Includes higher order thinking skills.
Skillful Thinking Map (PDF) Summary map of a paper by  Professor Bridget Perry of Framingham
State College
Thinking Skills overview (PDF) Summary of the elements in thinking skills; creative thinking, critical thinking
questioning, meta-cognitive reflection and a learning environment
Process Tools List of documents that support integrating Literature with
Mathematics and Science.
Research Documents List of documents that others have published concerning integrating engineering into the preK-5 grade curriculum.
Reading first Data from the Dept. of Education
Program presentation PDF version of a power point slide presentation of the program
Backward design (word) Summary of articles on backward design
Broad educational outcomes (word) Summary of educational approaches like habits of mind, backward
Benefits of the engineering design process Word documents that gives the benefits for using the engineering design process with literature to improve the learning process.
Engineering story map Visual diagram of a story map modified to add the engineering design challenge to
the story.
pp presentation PDF version of a pp presentation of the engineering profession and the
 design process
Engineering videos Page of videos that can be used in your classroom to motivate and explain engineering
Connecting to literature process PDF version of a pp presentation of the connection from literature to math & science
using the engineering design process lens.
State links for MCAS 7 NCLB Links for MCAS  and NCLB documents.
MassTec presentation (PDF) Presentation made 10/15/2010
MassCue(PDF) Presentation made 10/28/2010


  Prepared by  Bill Wolfson.  Copyright © 2009-2011
Last Updated  09/15/2011