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Objective: To understand what has been done and their success by other organizations ( higher education, school districts, non-profits) and people concerning using the engineering design process and skillful thinking to connect literature being used by PreK-5 grade students to mathematics and science.
Key-words: PreK-5 engineering curriculum, design engineering for children, engineering & skillful thinking, engaging PreK-5 grade children in engineering, cross functional learning using engineering for PreK-5 students, connecting science, engineering to literacy,
Key organizations: Boston Museum of Science, Tufts Univ., 
Key-Questions: I would think we need to understand what has been done and how successful it has been with the students, teachers, etc. I would also like to find out what problem these programs were trying to solve. Is the PreK-5 the right time frame in a child's development to introduce this concept? Does it fit into the other learning spaces the child is doing through the school timeframe? Are we covering the right elements in our approach (engineering understanding, connecting across the learning disciplines, inquire based learning process, team work and presentation skills, and skillful thinking process)?
Authors Title
Richard Crawford, Kristin Wood, Depart. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Texas, Austin An Engineering Design Curriculum for Elementary Grades. 
see web site:
M. David Burghardt, Hofstra University Developing the Field of Children's Engineering
Dr. Chris Rogers,
Merredith Portsmore
Tufts Univ.
Bringing Engineering to Elementary School
Marina Bers, Iris Ponte, et all, Tufts Univ. Teachers as Designer: Integrating Robotics in Early Childhood Education
David Fortus, R. Chales Dershimer, et all,
Michigan State Univ.
Design-Based Science and Student Learning
Judith miller, Joseph Rencis,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
A university/Public School Partnership in K-6 Engineering Education
Nancy Streim, Jane Horwitz, et all
Univ. of Penn, Merck Institute for Science
Hands-On Science for Grades K-5; An Industry, School, University Collaboration
added7/10/07  Theresa M. Swift and Steve E. Watkins
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla

An Engineering Primer for Outreach to K-4 Education

 Why teach children engineering?
By Patricia Fazzi, VCESTE President 

Why should an elementary teacher teach children’s engineering? Two words: It’s fun! A child will learn faster when he or she is having fun.  Brain research has proven this fact. 

Dispelling The Myth: Is There An Effect of Inquiry-Based Science Teaching On Standardized Reading Scores?
Jerry Valadez
Abstract: Responding to the urgency of raising language arts test scores and meeting California API goals (Accountability Performance Index), most Fresno elementary schools have stated as a primary instructional goal the integration of language arts and reading with other content areas. As a result, schools are searching for effective strategies to accomplish this goal and sustain improved student achievement. In one effort to research and validate effective strategies, the Fresno Unified School District, with the support of NSF, established professional development models, assessment systems, and instructional strategies delivered through an inquiry-based science program. Results of a preliminary study indicate that students who received inquiry-based science instruction scored better on SAT-9 norm-referenced tests in reading compared to those students that did not receive inquiry-based science instruction, over a four-year period.
Keeping Science on the Agenda
Elaine Woo
This paper describes how we have approached integration of science with literacy and with mathematics. By integrating inquiry-based science with both expository writing and the statistics strand of mathematics in a deep way, we have created a purpose for on-going science instruction.
Supportive documents:
State of Virginia  engineering projects Education Curriculum Resource Guide

Michael Klentschy, Leslie Garrison, Olga Maia Amaral


Valle Imperial Project in Science (VIPS)
Four-Year Comparison of Student Achievement Data 1995-1999
    For many years, there has been a belief that kit-based instruction, centered on a constructivist approach, produces greater student achievement in science and possibly other curricular areas when compared to a more traditional textbook approach.




Scaling Up Innovative Practices in Mathematics and Science


  Brain, Mind, Experience, and School   John D. Bransford,   Ann L. Brown, and   Rodney R. Cocking, editors
Committee on Developments   in the Science of Learning
  Commission on Behavioral
  and Social Sciences and Education

  National Research Council
see more detail;

How People Learn:
Science now offers new conceptions of the learning process and the development of competent performance. Recent research provides a deep understanding of complex reasoning and performance on problem-solving tasks and how skill and understanding in key subjects are acquired.
Personal collection of merged word documents. (Microsoft Word) Cut and paste word documents that collected items about similar engineering projects for K-12
In the Classroom . a Toolkit for Effective Instruction of English Learners
Grade level content: K-6/Elementary
Christine Loop & Suzanne Abdelrahim Tartir
 Teachers typically teach many different subjects throughout the day, which allows them to become familiar with student learning styles but also requires them to apply instructional strategies across the curriculum. Teachers must also continually adapt instruction to provide challenging and engaging content as students progress along the continuum of English proficiency. Some strategies for accomplishing this include cooperative learning and experiential opportunities (Nelson, 1996). 
  Prepared by  Bill Wolfson.  Copyright © 2007
Last Updated  9/26/07